

The Kingston Centre is involved with a variety of observing activities:

  • We collaborate with the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy in its monthly Public Open House (also known as KAON—Kingston Astronomy Outreach Network). An evening talk kicks things off and then, weather permitting, there is hands-on observing with telescopes on the rooftop observing deck.
  • From time to time we also organize observing sessions at various locations for our members.
  • We co-host the Fall'n'Stars star party with the RASC Belleville Centre each September on a weekend near a new moon, at a dark sky site.
  • We encourage observing at the local Lennox and Addington Dark Sky Viewing Area, approx 60 minutes from Kingston.
  • We encourage observing at the local North Frontenac Dark Sky Preserve, approx 95 minutes north of Kingston.

Observing animation Watch our events list for information on upcoming sessions.


The RASC offers a number of observing programmes/lists that observers can work on according to their current skill level.

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