About Us

What is the RASC?


The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) has a long history, dating from the founding of the Toronto Astronomical Club in 1868. The RASC received its royal appellation in 1903. Soon afterwards, the Society began founding "centres" in cities across Canada. Since it was founded, the RASC has filled a major role in Canadian astronomy. Information about the national society can be obtained at www.rasc.ca.

Who Are We Today?

We are a group of over 5000 amateurs and professionals in 30 centres in every province across Canada who enjoy observing the night sky. We get together for regular meetings, public and private observing sessions, telescope building and all kinds of other related interests.

What is the RASC-KC all about?

We are Kingston's Astronomy Club, a local centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, founded on June 2nd, 1961. We hold monthly meetings, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (September-June), via zoom videoconferencing and inperson from 7:00-9:00pm Eastern Time

We do public outreach programs in the form of helping the Cubs and Guides, teachers and at public events.

We help out our members with questions in astronomy and equipment use, and hold private observing sessions, and also with Queen's University Observatory Open House, on the second Saturday of each month, at Ellis Hall, Queen's University (closed during the pandemic).

We support the local FLA Science Fair with a prize in astronomy.

We are here to answer your questions on astronomy.

Mission Statement of the RASC Kingston Centre

The mission of The RASC Kingston Centre is:

  • in conjunction with the objectives of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, to promote and foster a greater awareness, understanding, and appreciation of astronomy and allied sciences among the public at large, and particularly among our youth and in the schools, and with groups and individuals who invite our assistance;
  • to provide for our members a rich variety of services and programs related to their growth in, and enjoyment of, amateur astronomy;
  • to acquire and maintain a library, astronomical equipment, and as need arises, other property, such as may be judged useful for pursuing our astronomical objectives;
  • to work in conjunction with the Society and other Centres of the Society to further the progress and welfare of astronomy in Canada.


We are provincially incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation (September 2005) and are  a registered Charity with Revenue Canada (September 2006),

CRA Registration #: 827905720RR0001

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