
  1.  Fedora Astronomy brings a complete open source toolchain to both amateur and professional astronomers.  

    The Spin provides the Fedora KDE desktop enhanced with a complete scientific Python environment and the AstrOmatic software for data analysis. KStars was added to provide a full featured astrophotography tool. As KStars uses the INDI library to control equipment, various telescopes, cameras etc. are supported. Summarized, Fedora Astronomy provides a complete set of software, from the observation planning to the final results.
  2.  Astronomy Linux 21.04 This is an open project "Astronomy Linux" for amateurs. Free distributive designed for astronomy amateurs. This image contains different astronomical programs, for example: planetariums, image processing, astro-hardware control, INDI drivers, etc.
  3.   Limovie Ver.0.9.29b (the latest stable version 0.9.29b): Limovie (Light Measurement tool for Occultation observation using VIdeo rEcorder.) is the tool produced for obtaining quantitative data from occultation observation video. It has been used for the observation of asteroidal occultation with small light drop, double star occultation and grazing occultation with no-instantaneous light change. The Limovie program is available as a free software from this site. And some informations about the result of Limovie analysis are shared.  Recommended by Brian Hunter
    OccultWatcher is a Windows program that helps astronomical occultation observers to stay tuned with the incoming events by tracking the asteroidal occultation predictions published and regularly updated in various sources called feeds. OccultWatcher searches the feeds you have subscribed for, for events that match your specified distance, star magnitude, event duration and other filter criterias. It allows you to announce your intentions to observe an event to all other observers around the world and helps the cooridnation in a global scale. At the time of the release of verion 3.2 there are more than 400 registered accounts (of people that announce their observing intentions) and more than 1500 known installations. The account registration and usage as well as the OccultWatcher software are absolutely free.  Recommended by Kim Hay
  5. Virtual Moon Atlas:Software for Moon observation and survey. Let you visualize the real Moon aspect at every time. Also help to study any lunar formations using feature database and pictures library.  recommended by Kevin Kell, Kim Hay
  6. AstroImageJ - ImageJ for Astronomy  The latest version has many features to enhance astronomical image processing, especially for photometry. These include a versatile image display, time-series stacks, a link to for adding coordinates, built-in AstroCC to set and time and place, links to Simbad for object identification, and exoplanet model fitting. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux by downloading an installation package . After installation, the built-in Help->Update option keeps your version current.
  7. Firecapture - THE LEADING PLANETARY CAPTURE TOOL - Camera Capture software  recommended by Kevin Kell
  8. Autostakkert - AS! Stacking Software – Lucky Imaging with an Edge – Emil Kraaikamp  recommended by Kevin Kell
  9. Registax - RegiStax is image processing software for amateur astrophotographers, released as freeware, designed to run under Windows, but which also runs on Linux, under wine. Its purpose is to produce enhanced images of astronomic observations through combining consecutive photographs of the same scene that were taken over a short period of time.  Mainly used for wavelet processing - Recommended by Kevin Kell
  10. Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. Recommended by Kim Hay, Kevin Kell
  11. SharpCap is an easy-to-use and powerful astronomy camera capture tool. It can be used with dedicated astronomy cameras, webcams and USB frame grabbers. A wide range of features makes SharpCap suitable for many types of astro-imaging including Planetary, Lunar, Solar, Deep Sky and EAA (Electronically Assisted Astronomy). - Recommended by Kim Hay, Mark DesLauriers

Updated: 2022November25

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