These programmes are aimed at the advanced observer.
Deep Sky Gems
During a lifetime of comet hunting David Levy has swept up many unique and interesting deep-sky objects and through this certificate he shares with us the best 154 of his Deep Sky Objects (Prometheus Books, New York 2005). Kingston Centre's very own Leo Enright is credited with planting the seed from which this certificate has grown, and invested a great deal of time on the project.
Many deep-sky objects in the list are from the NGC and IC but it also contains unique objects, such as Levy 384, Tombaugh’s Cluster, and a dust field. The Deep-Sky Gems list was first published in the RASC Observer's Handbook in 2008. Read more at
Deep Sky Challenge
This list, compiled by Alan Dyer and Alister Ling, complements the FNGC list as there is no overlap. This list features "fringe" deep-sky treasures that are somewhat more challenging objects than what most observers look for. The attraction of observing is not the sight of an object itself but the intellectual contact with what it is. There are 45 objects in this list. Read more at