Regular Meeting of the RASC-KC Ellis 226, Queen's U

Event Date

Change of plans!

Ellis Hall Room 226, Queen's University in Kingston

19:-00-21:00 Eastern Time (UTC -4 in summer, UTC-5 in winter)


There WILL BE a regular INPERSON ONLY monthly meeting of the RASC Kingston Centre  with guest speaker:

Alan Chan, and I'm a Astronomy and Astrophysics student at Mount Stromlo Observatory, The Australian National University. I specialise in advanced physics, with a research focus on observational cosmology, multi-messenger astronomy, and precision measurement.

My recent work includes studying Active Galactic Nuclei as new standard candles for cosmological distance measurement and exploring the implications of dark energy and gravitational waves in the evolution of the universe. I have previously presented my research at the Astronomical Society of New South Wales, and various university seminars.

* possible - what's up in the sky (Rick Wagner)

* possible - National  Report (John Hurley)

* Presentations from members from activities from the last month.


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