May Regular Monthly Meeting INPERSON only

Event Date

The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Kingston Astronomy Club aka The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Kingston Centre, is Wednesday May 11th  2024 at 7pm Eastern Time (UTC-4)

This meeting is being held in person ONLY, but a recording *MAY* be made and available at a later date.

Meetings are held at Queens University, Ellis Hall Room 226 

Parking is free after 5 p.m. on Queens campus surface lots, including the Mackintosh-Corry Parking Lot nearby (access from Union Street near Frontenac St).

Ellis Hall contains the Queen's University Observatory, is north of Jeffrey Hall (Math) and south of Richardson Hall (Admin) on University Avenue.

This month's meeting (7-9pm) agenda includes:    

Guest Speaker: Dr. Sarah Sadavoy, Assistant Professor Queen's University Dept Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy.

Topic:   The Far-Infrared Sky: A Look Back with the Herschel Space Observatory

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