What is The RASC-Kingston Centre all about?
We are Kingston's Astronomy Club, a local centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, founded in 1961. We hold monthly meetings, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (September-June), via zoom videoconferencing and inperson before the pandemic and hopefully again soon in 2022, from 7:00-9:00pm Eastern Time
We do public outreach programs in the form of helping the Cubs and Guides, teachers and at public events.
We help out our members with questions in astronomy and equipment use, and hold private observing sessions, and also with Queen's University Observatory Open House, on the second Saturday of each month, at Ellis Hall, Queen's University (closed during the pandemic).
We support the local FLA Science Fair with a prize in astronomy.
We publish a monthly newsletter, available to the public.
Over the last decade we have used over $10,000 of your donations on public education and outreach. This includes free handout material to the public such as Planispheres, starfinders, lunar maps, and much much more!
We are provincially incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation (September 2005) and are a registered Charity with Revenue Canada (September 2006),
CRA Registration #: 827905720RR0001
Your donations are tax deductible. We are registered with Canada Helps and you can find us here:
Alternatively paper cheques can be sent to us. Contact us at kingston@rasc.ca for a postal address.