Benefits of Membership

The benefits of membership to the RASC Kingston Centre include:


RASC Kingston Centre members receive these publications:

  • Regulus, the centre's newsletter (up to 10 PDF issues per year)
  • Journal of the RASC (6 PDF issues per year)
  • Bulletin of the RASC (12 electronic  issues per year)
  • Observer's Handbook (1 paper issue per year)
  • SkyNews (6 paper issues per year, in Canada only)   Sorry! Skynews ceased production 2023 Feb 15

E-mail Discussion Groups

  • Access to the RASC National's  RASCals email list - send a request to join to: mempub (at) rasc (dot) .ca
  • Access to the RASC Kingston Centre's email list - send a request to join to:  kingston (at) rasc (dot) ca
  • Access to other RASC National email distribution lists

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