A. Vibert Douglas Award

SUMMARY: The major award of the RASC Kingston Centre will be known as the Kingston Centre's A. Vibert Douglas Award, named after the founder of the Kingston Centre, its most outstanding member. The award may be presented annually to honor the contribution or achievement of a member of the Kingston Centre, although it need not necessarily be presented every year.

The award will be presented for: Service (including longstanding dedication, or a recent contribution or contributions to the Centre or the Society) and/or an astronomical achievement (including a discovery, invention, literary presentation, or related achievement, any of which may be a recent and one-time matter or an achievement over many years).

It is intended that the award be presented to recognize contribution and/or achievement by a member of the Centre who may not necessarily receive the recognition which is his/her due, and that it not necessarily be given to a member of the Centre who is already receiving Centre and or National recognition for another reason such as because of a position held in the Centre or on National Council.


  1. Name: The major award of the RASC Kingston Centre will be known as the Kingston Centre's A. Vibert Douglas Award, named after the founder of the Kingston Centre, its most outstanding member.
  2. Presentation: The award may be presented annually to honor the contribution or achievement of a member of the Kingston Centre, although it need not necessarily be presented every year.
  3. Criteria: The award will be presented for: Service (including longstanding dedication, or a recent contribution or contributions to the Centre or the Society) and / or an astronomical achievement (including a discovery, invention, literary presentation, or related achievement, any of which may be a recent and one-time matter or an achievement over many years).
    3B: It is intended that the award be presented to recognize contribution and/or achievement by a member of the Centre who may not necessarily receive the recognition which is his/her due, and that it not necessarily be given to a member of the Centre who is already receiving Centre and or National recognition for another reason such as because of a position held in the Centre or on National Council.
  4. Announcement: The winner of the award will be announced at the annual banquet and annual meeting of the Kingston Centre and the presentation of the award will be made at that time. If another meeting such as an anniversary meeting or meeting for a very special occasion, is being held close to the time of the annual banquet and the annual meeting the presentation of the award may be made at that time.
    4B: The contribution and or achievement of the winner which is being recognized by the presentation is to be mentioned at the time of the presentation.
  5. Form: The award will take the form of a plaque which will bear a suitable inscription including its name, the names of the winners and the year in which it is presented.
  6. Retention: The award is to be retained by the winner from the date of the presentation until the following September 15th, at which time it is to be returned to the president of the Kingston Centre, who in turn will see that it is given to he chairman of the major award committee for the current year, so that the award may be suitably inscribed before presentation at the following Annual Banquet or Annual meeting. It is expected that a miniature plaque or trophy will be presented to and retained by the winner each year.
  7. Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the president of the Kingston Centre on or before September 15th of each year to see that the major award committee has been formed following the guidelines outlined above.
    7B: It is the responsibility of the chairperson of the major award committee to see that the plaque for the current year is suitably engraved before presentation, and to make arrangement for the presentation on the appropriate occasion.

Reference: Regulus Jan-Feb 1986, p2

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