Top banner images: Rosette, Pleiades by Malcolm Park; Fox Fur by Rick Wagner.
A special "members only" meeting of the RASC Kingston Centre will be held virtually by Zoom, on Wednesday, the 31st of July, 2024 at 7 pm EDT.
The purpose of this meeting is to ask the membership of the centre if they are in favour of accepting our new by-laws.
The next Observatory Open House will be held on Saturday July 13th at 8:30pm in Ellis Hall Auditorium at Queen's University.
We restart the 10 month Regular Meeting cycle this month. We will be in the SAME ROOM, SAME TIME, as last cycle.
Ellis Hall Room 226, Queen's University in Kingston
19:-00-21:00 Eastern Time (UTC -4 in summer, UTC-5 in winter)
* possible - what's up in the sky (Rick)
* possible - National Report (John)
* possible - Status of ONCA Bylaw Update
* Presentations from members from activities from the last few months.
Please prep your presentation and bring to the meeting!
We are on a summer hiatus... there will be no Regular Monthly Meeting on the 2nd Wednesday in either July or August at Queen's University
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