Top banner images: Rosette, Pleiades by Malcolm Park; Fox Fur by Rick Wagner.

Upcoming Meetings and Events


News & Other Items

RASC-KC Holiday Dinner

The Center wll be holding its Annual Holiday Dinner one week early (on Dec 4) this year *AND* its regular monthly meeting on Dec 11.

Venue: Probably the Mandarin Restaurant  on Bath Road but other suggestions are welcome

Date: Wednesday 2024 December 4th at 5:00pm

Please send RSVPs to:  a) the rasc-kc email chat list; or b) email to

Door prize donations are also appreciated...

Regular Meeting of the RASC-KC Ellis 226, Queen's U

Change of plans!

Ellis Hall Room 226, Queen's University in Kingston

19:-00-21:00 Eastern Time (UTC -4 in summer, UTC-5 in winter)


There WILL BE a regular INPERSON ONLY monthly meeting of the RASC Kingston Centre  with guest speaker:

Alan Chan, and I'm a Astronomy and Astrophysics student at Mount Stromlo Observatory, The Australian National University. I specialise in advanced physics, with a research focus on observational cosmology, multi-messenger astronomy, and precision measurement.

November 2024 Annual General Meeting/Regular Monthly Meeting-

The AGM is scheduled first and should run for less than 30 minutes.  This is our first AGM under the new ONCA bylaws.  Members will be voting for Directors, not officers.  The elected Directors will then vote amongst themselves for Officer positions (eg President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc).

AGM 2024 - The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Kingston Centre via Zoom videoconference

Regular Meeting of the RASC-KC - Ellis Hall 226, Queen's U.

Where: Ellis Hall Room 226, Queen's University in Kingston

When: 19:-00-21:00 Eastern Time (UTC -4 in summer, UTC-5 in winter)


Guest Speaker: Roger Hill (minor planet 10076) speaking on: TBA

* possible - what's up in the sky (Rick Wagner)

* possible - National  Report (John Hurley)

* Presentations from members from activities from the last month


Note:  This will be inperson only going forward until a volunteer is found to run the zoom instance in the room and record it.

Fall'N'Stars 2024

Friday September 27 (3pm) to Sunday September 29 (noon), 2024
Johnson's RV Park 3235 County Road 13, RR#3 Picton (South Bay), On K0K 2T0
(43 degrees 56' 20" N and 77 degrees 00' 56" W) 

Welcome to Fall'N'Stars 2023, a gathering of amateur astronomers in Eastern Ontario held annually.

Small, informal.  Please preregister at:

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